Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Bean Bag - Knitted

Giant Knitted Floor Bean Bag

How's this for a gorgeous and super snuggly bean bag?  I made it from a charcoal knitted throw that I no longer use.

To make your own you can knit it yourself or do what I did and use an a throw you have already.  Fold the throw in half and sew with matching wool thread up the long side of the throw - using a stitch that won't be seen once it's finished.  Then whilst flat with seam just sewn to one side, stitch up one end, (laying like an 'L' shape) in the same way you did for the sides.  You'll need a matching cotton or poly/cotton fabric to make an internal bag to hold the beans.  Put a zip in one end and then sew up the side leaving the base until last.  For the base you want it to be the opposite direction to the end with the zip, this is very confusing so...here goes...
the side and the zip/top end are sewn flat like an 'L' shape, then the base end (of both the internal lining and the knitted parts) are opened out and layed down so that the side seam is now in the centre at the back  - see in the picture the base faces one way and the top points upwards?  The side seem is now on the back (underneath) the beanbag.  Hopefully the image to the right will help to explain this to you...

This beanbag is about 1.5metres long and about 600mm across - make it whatever size you like.  Enjoy kicking back and having a lazy cuppa whilst reading your favourite book or playing your favourite tune! 
Close up of knitted fabric

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